For Immediate Release
“Common Sense Casey” Hits the Ground Running on Trump's Birthday“ We’ve Lost All Common Sense! Girls Sports are for Girls!
Illegals are bankrupting America.” This will be a take-no-prisoners campaign to win the second CD for my lifelong Republican party!
Concord, NH – Common Sense Casey will announce her candidacy for the second congressional district on Friday. The homegrown NH America First candidate is announcing her run for the 2nd CD seat on Friday at the Secretary of State’s Office in Concord at 1 pm. Everyone is invited to attend. This will be a take-no-prisoners campaign to win the second CD. Executive Councilor Kenney said, “I’m supporting Common Sense Casey cause she is tough on the border, tough for girls' rights and girls' sports, and has the proven background as a rep, fire, and experience to win this race for Republicans. We can’t lose the opportunity to win this seat.”
“I am running because we have lost our common sense; girls' sports are for girls! Illegals are bankrupting America. I am announcing on Trump's birthday because I am the candidate who has supported Trump from the beginning and continues to support him. My primary opponents worked against him. I am the only candidate in the second CD race to WIN an election! My primary opponents both lost last time getting a small percentage. I won multiple times in Nashua, a tough district for Republicans and I served as a Rep working to help solve problems for people, action not talk. I can beat the Democrats again. I have a voter-vetted track record and a proven legislative record. I am a lifelong Republican, unlike my opponents. I will work hard to earn every vote as I have done for 25 years. The people will decide who the frontrunner is, not the candidate. I have a strong record on actually votingto preserve our second amendment, parental rights, homeschooling, limited government, and taxation.”
Casey has lived in NH for over 25 years, and experienced how it has changed. Her son was born here; her parents died here. She strongly believes that local service and state service matter. They are essential when working on many federal issues. She understands the job, not just how to campaign for it. In 2007, She attended meetings in Coos County regarding cell towers. For many years, She heard about the concerns in Sullivan County about possible flooding issues. Residents got zero help from the Democrats with reimbursements from FEMA. For her opponents, this is about political opportunism. For her, it is about KEEPING NEW HAMPSHIRE, NEW HAMPSHIRE, and serving the people I love in the great state of New Hampshire. She gets results for people. She was not in another party and did not switch for political convenience. She is a lifelong Republican and an original Trump supporter. She voted for Trump every time, unlike her opponents.
Casey is deeply honored and grateful to have the endorsement of Executive Councilor Joe Kenney, Rep. Ken Weyler, finance chair, and many other esteemed local and state officials. She will soon release a list of local officials, state officials, and businesses. Casey has served as Councilor Kenney’s dedicated campaign manager and as a multiterm State Representative from Nashua. Her service on local boards before winning the Rep seat demonstrates her deep roots in New Hampshire. She values the support and trust of these officials.