Primary Election: September 10, 2024
Keep Girls Sports for Girls!
Meet Casey
Casey Crane believes we have lost our common sense. Illegals are bankrupting the country. Close the border, common sense. Stop treating illegals better than our Veterans and Seniors!
Girls Sports are for Girls, common sense. She has been part of our community for over 25 years. Her son was born here and her parents died here. She is New Hampshire Middle Class.
She supports and voted for gun rights, parents' rights, home schooling, police military and Israel. We are spending too much money in Ukraine but Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East and deserves support.
Casey is the only Republican candidate running in CD2 to actually WIN a seat and serve During multiple terms as an NH State Representative; Casey brought a dangerous loophole to light regarding sex offenders. She then prime sponsored a bill which closed a loophole in the sex offenders registry.
Common Sense Casey Crane for Congress
Primary Election: September 10, 2024